Production dialog

More Stars! Commands

More Stars! Dialogs

Here you order a planet to build ships, defenses, factories, mines and starbases. You can also schedule terraforming and mineral alchemy. The list box on the left is the inventory of everything you know how to build; the list box on the right is the queue of items to be produced. The dialog tells you the cost of each item when you click on it, and how long it will take to produce the item. You can also create and apply production templates to automate adding items to the queue. Auto-build items (in italic) can be added so the queue is always busy.

Adding and Removing Items in the Queue

To add an item to the production queue:

1.        Click on the item in the left-hand list.

2.        Click on Add to add one of that item to the queue (right-hand list).

⇒        Remove an item by selecting an item in the queue, then clicking on Remove.

⇒        Move an item to a different place in the queue by clicking on the item in the queue, then clicking on Item Up or Item Down.

⇒        Clear the entire queue by clicking on Clear. Selecting Cancel undoes this action.

Keyboard Shortcuts
SHIFT-Add/Remove will add or remove 10 items at a time.

CTRL-Add/Remove will add/remove 100 items at a time.

CTRL+SHIFT-Add/Remove will add or remove as many of that item as possible.

These keystrokes also work if you double click on the item.

Read more about the inventory and queue:

Production Inventory

Production Queue

Previous and Next Queues

Each planet has its own production inventory and queue, accessed using the Previous and Next buttons.

The planet queues appear in the current sort order of the Planet Summary Report. You can change this order in the Planet Report. Open the report using the Reports (Planets) menu item.

Apply or Define a Production Template

This option allows you to apply or customize an auto-build production template. A production templates represents auto-build production strategies you plan to use more than once. You can define the default production template to be used with any newly colonized planet and create up to three custom templates. Templates are saved for the duration of the game.

When you apply a template, ALL items currently in the queue are replaced with the auto-build items listed in the template.

Contribute Only Leftover Resources to Research

Ordinarily, every planet devotes a percentage of their annual resources to research. Before any resources are used in production, this cream is skimmed off the top at the percentage set in the Research dialog's budget control. If the production queue empties or is blocked during a turn, leftover resources are also funneled into research.

Selecting this option specifies that production gets top priority and the research budget gets only what production fails to use that year. This is important for fledgling colonies who need to build a basic infrastructure with meager resources.

This checkbox applies to only the current planet.

Learn about:

Using Auto-build

Creating Production Templates
